Friday, August 06, 2004
Stolen blatantly from I Have a Snake:
Today I made the South Beach Diet cookbook version of Thai Stirfry, with my own modifications. It's totally awesome.
There are three steps:
1. Put a can of light coconut milk (I used regular, because "light" is just coconut milk mixed with water and it's a ripoff) in the blender with 2 big cloves garlic and a half-teaspoon each lime zest and lemon zest. Pour this in a frying pan and heat for one minute.
2. Throw in a sliced red bell pepper, some asparagus tips (I skipped these because I don't like asparagus), a half-cup mushrooms (I doubled these to make up for the asparagus), a chopped small head of bok choi, some hot red pepper seasoning (I used one teaspoon Chinese chili paste), and a quarter-cup of peanuts (I put more like half a cup). I also added a couple of teaspoons of minced ginger; I can't imagine why the original recipe left this out. If you don't have enough liquid, add a quarter-cup water. (I made up the water part as well.) Simmer for ten minutes, stirring often.
3. Add a tablespoon each of soy sauce, lemon juice and lime juice, and a handful of finely shredded fresh basil leaves. Simmer five more minutes.
It's scrumptious.